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TimeOut New York cover wrap, including programmatic information on the interior.

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The campaign extended from print, digital, to subway advertising.

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The exterior windows of The Rubin are connected by “pathway” imagery.

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Details of the museum exterior.

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The Rubin Museum — CampaignArrowClose

The Rubin Museum of Art in New York features a rich collection of artwork from the Himalayan region, but its broader goal is to be a cultural hub, sharing the values implicit in its collection.


Wax Studios concepted and designed the “Infinite Inner Worlds” campaign to connect the museum’s program with the idea of a “pathway” to higher understanding. The result is a contemporary visual context for artworks (new and old), film and other program to be communicated across multiple platforms. Each media format employs a different pathway and image, representing the museum’s programmatic diversity in an ever-expanding and evolving campaign. 

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