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The WAX Magazine home page features screen art based on real-time buoy readings from the Atlantic. Above, a wave-period visualization by Emilio Gomariz.

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Events, news and stories from the magazine.

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See WAX Fashion Art Direction, Editorial Art Direction and Still Life Art Direction for more images from the Magazine.

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See WAX Magazine to view spreads from each issue.

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In 2011, Wax Studios conceived of the idea for a surf, culture and contemporary art publication, entitled WAX Magazine, that explores the connections between creative practices, nature and surfing. Each issue explores a theme (e.g., Territories, Dialogues, Secrecy) compelling editorial content, from essays and interviews to photo stories and experimental art prompts. These themes provoke connections between the seemingly disparate worlds of art, nature and surf, allowing for an eclectic yet visually continuous read. 


The WAX Magazine website simultaneously features content from the magazine and operates as a platform for screen art. A custom script pulls real-time data from nearby buoys in the Atlantic, which serve as data points for each screen art project. The website also features stories from the magazine, news and events and offers users an opportunity to subscribe and purchase.



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