Ezekiel 13 1400 xxx q85

Photography by David Brandon Geeting.

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Ezekiel 28 1400 xxx q85
Ezekiel 12 1400 xxx q85
Ezekiel Campaign — Ad HocArrowClose

Ezekiel Clothing first approached Wax Studios in 2014, initiating a collaborative relationship that runs the gamut from art direction and content generation to large-scale event production. The iconic skate, surf and lifestyle clothing brand had established a brand ethos around the statement, “All We Have is Now”.


Wax Studios concepted, art directed and produced a set of images exploring Ezekiel’s clothing line through the idea of ad hoc assemblages — objects formed to feel like they were falling in and out of balance, in a state of thinking and creating in the moment (referencing the immediacy of Ezekiel’s brand positioning). Using an assortment of basic building materials such as 2×4s, concrete blocks and utilitarian products from construction and hardware stores, the clothes were integrated with various formations and assemblages. The construction and deconstruction process was documented along with the final formations to create a narrative referencing architecture, readymades and DIY culture.


Photography by David Brandon Geeting

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